Happy New Year

Hello my darlings and Happy New Year!

I do hope you rang in new year with sufficient pomp and vigour, you fabulous things.
I also hope you all had a holly, jolly holiday season. Bob and I have been donning woolly jumpers, sipping mulled wine and gorging ourselves on a variety of wintery treats. Between Hanukkah and Christmas, we have been spoiled for reasons to celebrate and fill our home with good company and holiday cheer. Interfaith life is bloody brilliant sometimes.. even if it may well end in hibernation naps and rampant obesity.


Anyway, enough of all that. They say the new year is a time for reflection and a time for change. With this in mind, here are my New Year's Resolutions for 2015. Now, I've never really bought into this crap before so you may have to bear with me.

New things I shall try and stick to this year

  • Stop getting fucking Ubers everywhere and walk more (even when it's raining): I need to make this work people, I checked my bank statements the other day and the amount of taxis I take every week is ludicrous. I have dusted off my trainers and Bob even took me to buy a big fat ugly coat to protect me from the elements. I am ready to walk, come rain or shine. Let's do this thing.
  • Take more breaks: Having a long term health condition blows. Especially when you have a tendency to push yourself. That's right, us Type A assholes never like admitting defeat and so we just keep on going until we burn right out. I therefore promise I will make a concerted effort to take more breaks. I don't have to be everywhere at once and sometimes it is ok to hide out in bed in your feety pyjamas and binge watch shit, cancelled teen dramas hard hitting, thoughtful documentaries on Netflix.
  • Collect more stories: Over the last year or so, my mother has been taking creative writing classes. As a result of these she has been producing some of the most fascinating stories I have ever read. Never before have I had such a detailed insight into her childhood and life in Pakistan. She is so talented and I am utterly fascinated. It's been an absolute privilege to get to know this side of her, a side that was locked away until now. I always knew the gist but the depth and density with which she describes every detail has brought this part of her to life for me. I have therefore made it my mission to collect her stories and try to draw even more out of her when I can. She is so shy and reluctant to share but she has so much to say, and all of it interesting. I want to collect them and have them bound so she can have something tangible, some proof of how inspiring she is. 
  • Eat more lobster: This is very simple and straight forward. I had lobster on Christmas day. It was freaking delicious. Life is short. Eat more lobster.   
  • Go back to choir sometimes woman: Last year I joined a choir of about 100 people. We rehearsed once a week and put on shows and appeared at exciting events. Every penny we earned went to the local cancer research hospital. I loved it. I stopped going in September because my health took a turn for the worse and I haven't been back since. This is the kind of thing it is ok to push yourself to do on occasion. I've always raised money for charity and, to be honest, not doing so since September has made me feel really shitty. I will therefore go back this year and try my best to keep up with it again.

Aaaaaaaaand.. I can't think of any more. Bye.


  1. I like that eat more lobster is on there. Best of luck with that and all your 2015 endeavors!!

    1. Why, thank you. Happy New Year! How are things in AD? xx

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I feel as though a good rule of thumb for any new year should be to eat more lobster. It usually means the year has gone well.

    1. Agreed. Life is too short for lobster to be a *sometimes* food.

  4. Embrace the practical clothing. I find it helps to imagine I live in an arty village in Devon :) I'm sure I'd be the height of fashion there. Love from *you know who* x

    1. Well guessed. People think I'm all nasty ... but I secretly love girly blogs.

    2. Girly blogs love you too, Sir.
      But not secretly, loudly and boisterously.. with glitter fountains and unicorn farts aplenty.


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